Our Story

The name "Southern Kelle Living" was inspired by my favorite place & where we live, "The South", by my name, "Kelly" (most people call me "Kelle") & by my favorite tv show as a young mom, "Martha Stewart Living".
After traveling all over the world and living all over the country with my wonderful husband and three kids, it was time to share our discoveries in family, food & renovation. We met in grad school studying Music in California, got married, started having babies and the rest is history.
Please enjoy letting us share with you what we’ve learned over the years! It has been an adventure as we have moved all over the country, owned several businesses, including a cafe & market; we’ve renovated houses, sung for Presidents and in movies, all while raising our incredible family.
We wouldn’t change a thing!
Simply click on the "Recipes & Posts" on the menu to view all recipes and daily posts! Enjoy!