Spicy Mexican Smash Potatoes Smothered in Cheese
SOOO EASY! SOOO GOOD! This is great for a party or as a side dish. We actually served ours with my broiled, Mexican, chicken thighs, and vegetables. (Recipe in progress!)
Approximately 6-8 servings
Here's the recipe
Spicy Mexican Smash Potatoes Smothered in Cheese:
In the crockpot for 6 to 8 hours on low.
1 cup chicken broth
4 tablespoons olive oil
½ teaspoon of sea salt
½ teaspoon red chili flakes
6-7 pounds red potatoes
1 package taco seasoning mix
¼ cup lemon juice
When fully cooked and fork tender:
• spread potatoes out on a olive-oiled sheet pan
•Smash them with the bottom of a cup.
•Drizzle with crockpot liquid. (Lots of flavor and spice!)
•Cover with 3-4 cups of your favorite cheese, but we think cheddar is the best option.
• Pop under the broiler until golden and bubbly.
• Enjoy with some salsa & sour cream, guacamole, sprinkled bacon, green onions or everything!
Here's the link to go for reference: